When we stroll along Kobylianska Street in Chernivtsi and admire its architectural beauties, we will meet a wrought iron carriage on the way. Not far from this carriage is a brightly colored two-story building. This is the marriage palace in Chernivtsi.
For two centuries already, weddings have been held in this palace, and there is a legend connected with it, which goes far beyond Chernivtsi and probably serves as an answer to another legend.
Where did the phrase “let’s go for coffee” come from?
Do you know the situation when a guy invites a girl on a first date and says – “let’s go for coffee”? In Chernivtsi, this phrase has its own special explanation.

When a young man wanted to propose to his girlfriend, he would call her for coffee. If the girl agreed, the couple would take a carriage or a train. They would travel to Vienna, the capital of the Austrian Empire, where they would visit a coffee house and there the guy would propose.
In case of consent, the lovers returned to Chernivtsi and concluded the union in the marriage palace, which has preserved its main purpose until our time!