Gostra and Dovga Mounds – the highest point of the Dnipro City

mound Dnipro Ukraine

The modern Dnirpo in Ukraine and its outskirts never cease to amaze and reveal ancient monuments that were used in pre-Slavic times.

Video – mounds of the Dnipro

Quite close to the Dnipro city, almost touching its borders we found two interesting places – Dovga and Gostra Mogyla barrows.

Their history is vague and unexplored. These are constructions of the times of the Scythians, who lived on the territory of Ukraine long before the arrival of the Slavs and the formation of the Ukrainian nation.

Gostra and Dovga Mogyla are included in the register of national monuments of Ukraine and Dnipropetrovsk region, although by their appearance you can’t say that there is something ancient, unique and mysterious here.

The mounds look more like hills among the wheat and sunflower fields, towering above the landscape and giving a good view of both the city Dnipro and its outskirts.

History of the Dovga and Gostra Mogyla barrows

Once upon a time, these may have been either the places of worship of the people who lived on these lands, or their graves.

Much later, Cossacks were based here, and on top of the mounds stood watchtowers with barrels of tar – they were set on fire in case of danger and approaching enemies. Nothing of this has survived to our times – only silent mounds, which may no longer contain anything inside, or, on the contrary, hide untold treasures.

Perhaps so, because the barrows are protected by the law of Ukraine and no excavations can be carried out here.

Kurgan Gostra Mogila Dnipro Ukraine
Gostra Mogyla

Gostra Mogyla is located near the village of Igren in Dnipro city – on the way to the New-Igren cemetery. It is often visited by cyclists in summer and many people picnic here, which causes a lot of litter.

mound marker gostra grave

There is also a topographical sign on the summit. It is a good reference point – as it is the highest point not only in the area.

landscape mound gostra grave
Cool views of the Gostra Mogyla mound

Dovga Mogyla is already in the village of Chapli. There are also good localities and a protective sign from the state. In addition, there is a metal tripod above the stone pillar. Perhaps it symbolizes the Cossack towers.

Dnipro mound Dovga grave
Dovga Mogyla

Dovga Mogyla is protected by law. Perhaps once there were archaeological excavations here. Now there is a metal tripod, either of topographers or archaeologists.

Dovga Mogyla is protected by law. Perhaps once there were archaeological excavations here. Now there is a metal tripod, either of topographers or archaeologists.

on the mound of dovga grave dnipro ukraine
The tripod on Dovga Mogyla
mound Dnipro Ukraine
Protected of law

How to get to Gostra Mogyla

To get to Gostra Mogyla you must go to the New-Igren cemetery.

Gostra Mogyla – map.

There is a narrow and broken road leading here, so you should be careful and you can get here either by cab, your own car or on foot from Svyatogorskaya Street, which is used by city buses.

How to get to Dovga Mohyla

Dovga Mohyla is located in the village of Chapli, in Prydniprovsk. You can get here either from Prydniprovsk by bus #10 or by car. You can get here directly from Gostra Mogila. However, you will have to drive along a country road.


Jenya Travels

My name is Jenya. I travel around Ukraine and the world and tell stories.
In simple language, without nerdiness and dry facts - interesting about uninteresting places.
I have been to more than 100 places on the map!

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