How the mountain became Everest

Why Everest was called Everest

The Himalayas are the youngest mountain system on Earth. Here is the “Roof of the World,” Jomolungma or Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

But why and under what circumstances was Everest called Everest?

It all began on July 4, 1790, with the birth of English surveyor and cartographer George Everest. During his career, from 1818 to 1843, he served as chief surveyor of India and actively explored the Himalayas.

Not only did the scientist succeed in overturning the cartographic science of the time, but he also managed to establish that this is where the highest mountains are located. Only to establish their exact height Everest did not set himself such a goal.

It was not until 1852 that Jomolungma-Everest was considered the highest mountain on Earth. The exact height at that time – 8 thousand 882 meters was established by Andrew Scott Waugh, a student of Everest, according to the previously planned geodetic survey. At that time, based on earlier research (1823-1843), Jomolungma was known as “Peak XV” – just a serial number for the height of the Himalayan mountains.

Scientists suggested that the peak be named Everest, in honor of its discoverer. However, the scientist himself refused such an honor. Still, colleagues from the Royal Geographical Society insisted on such a decision and it was accepted. And Everest himself never climbed the mountain that bears his name. 

That’s how Everest became Everest.

Jenya Travels

My name is Jenya. I travel around Ukraine and the world and tell stories.
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