Not the new Novoselovskaya. The story of one street in the Dnipro city


Novoselovskaya Street in Dnipro city can be called one of the oldest streets on the Left Bank of Dnipro city. Until 2021 almost nothing has changed here since the time when it was built.

In 2021, the construction of a residential complex began here, and I decided to film the street to preserve its original appearance in my memory. And now I will tell the story of Novoselovskaya Street in Dnipro city. 

Construction of Novoselovskaya Street in Dnipro city

The construction of Novoselovskaya Street dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The left bank of the then Yekaterinoslav began to actively develop due to the booming economic activity here. It began after the construction of the Old Bridge and Nizhnedneprovsk station of Ekaterinoslavskaya railroad. 

Not far from the station, industrialist Tadeusz Bernardovich Gantke rented land and bought the former but in decline plant “Franco-Russian workshops” (after the October Revolution the plant will be called after Karl Liebknecht and will exist to this day under the name “Lower Dnipro Pipe Rolling Plant Interpipe”).

It was not for nothing that the industrialist chose the left bank to expand his production. First, there was a railroad station to ship the plant’s products, and second, land was cheaper here. He already had production facilities on the right bank, but there was nowhere to expand. 

In 1911, in addition to metalware, rails and cars, the company began producing pipes. 

At that time Novoselovskaya and the surrounding areas were called “New Colony”. The development of the left bank depended entirely on the Tadeusz Gantke plant and other enterprises. Two or three-story brick buildings started to be built on the street. These were for the more privileged workers. The rest built and lived on – in the private sector, which exists to this day. 

The street was developing, more and more houses were being rebuilt already at that distant time. For example, some houses were built by Austrian prisoners of war between 1914 and 1917.

It turns out that some of the buildings on Novoselovskaya are over a hundred years old! They are still standing in 2022, and people still live in them, and private and public institutions are still located there.

Novoselovskaya Street now

Now Novoselovskaya Street in Dnipro city is a quiet and unhurried street, although it faces the busy Slobozhansky Avenue. It retains an unusual coziness among the relatively intact asphalt, branching trees over the road, and quiet courtyards with their own atmosphere.

Most of the houses here are residential. There is also a district court and a police department of the IDA district of Dnipro city. At the end of the street there is a dormitory for students and Vocational School #2.

There are also abandoned buildings. Who lived in them and what the purpose is no longer clear. Maybe they were apartment houses for workers, and one building looks like a club-it has a wide entrance and columns, like a real cultural institution.

Some of the buildings are being cleaned up – I’m sure there will be some government agencies there. Or so it seems to me.

Novoselovskaya Street in the future

I decided to make a video and write a story of Novoselovka because soon this coziness and quiet will disappear. There is an active construction of a residential complex on the street. At first it will be a few houses with a closed area. The plan is to build up the whole area.

Jenya Travels

My name is Jenya. I travel around Ukraine and the world and tell stories.
In simple language, without nerdiness and dry facts - interesting about uninteresting places.
I have been to more than 100 places on the map!

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